In this page you can find the YouTube links to watch all the conferences of the eighth edition of Made in Steel, that were live streamed during the event.


Thursday. 16 May, 3.00 pm - Steel human



Thursday. 16 May, 11.00 am - Geopolitical changes and protectionist temptations are generating new scenarios: threats or opportunities?


Wednesday, 15 May, 3.00 pm - The future of end-users: the sustainable mobility



Wednesday, 15 May, 12.45 pm - Shaping the future. Caleotto and SMS together for quality steels


Wednesday, 15 May, 9.30 am - Steel on stage - International contest for startups



Tuesday, 14 May, 5.00 pm - Innovation and 4.0 technology in a new hot rolling mill for specialty steels



Tuesday, 14 May, 2.30 pm - Steel vision: a global perspective


Tuesday, 14 May, 10.30 am - Inauguration and conference Sustainability and innovation for people