As for several years now, Made in Steel is pleased to support the I.S.E.O Summer School, the summer course organised every year in June by the Institute for Economic Studies and Employment. Now in its seventeenth edition, it will host 54 PhD students from 26 countries and 38 universities around the world.

The upcoming edition, entitled “The post pandemic world economy”, will investigate some of the biggest issues affecting global economy, including the huge impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Growth, sustainable development, labour market, emerging economies, and digital technology - topics of particular interest to the steel community as well - are just some of the issues which will be covered by a prestigious panel of speakers, including five Nobel Prize winners.

Among the conferences, we highlight "Deaths of despair and the future of capitalism", the Lectio Magistralis of Professor Angus Deaton, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2015, on Thursday the 24th June 2021 from 3 to 5 p.m.

The event, promoted together with the University of Brescia, can be followed for free online on YouTube.