Online catalogue


Via Bisceglie 66
20152 Milano (MI) IT

Stand: Q19 Pavilion: 24

Exhibitor products:
Exhibitor main category: Other company services

Air Liquide is a world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Healthcare. Present in 60 countries with 66,300 collaborators, the Group serves over 4 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen have been at the heart of the Group's activity since its creation in 1902. Through innovative technologies and services, Air Liquide offers high added value solutions that improve both industrial performance and environmental impact. In Italy, the activities of the technical gases market make use of an industrial structure spread across the entire national territory and over 650 km of pipes for the supply of gas to large steelmaking customers in Northern Italy and for two important petrochemical hubs in Sardinia and Sicily. There are several innovative solutions that we are able to offer to our customers: from the supply of oxygen with a low carbon footprint produced from renewable sources, to a range of oxy-fuel technologies that allow the total or partial replacement of combustion air with oxygen, making the production process more efficient and reducing the need for fossil fuels. We also support hard-to-abate sectors in the decarbonisation path with our proprietary CryocapTM technology, capable of capturing up to 98% of the CO₂ emitted in production processes. With over 60 years of experience in the hydrogen sector, we have several international projects under our belt for the production of renewable hydrogen through water electrolysis.
