
Made in Steel sponsors the 18th I.S.E.O. Summer School

Thanks to the scholarship sponsored by Made in Steel, the Philippine student Gilliane Angela De Goro...

Made in Steel 2021: great satisfaction for buyers and visitors

86% of those present will certainly return in 2023. First results of "Customer Satisfaction" certifi...

Made in Steel 2021: over 13,000 participants at the steel Renaissance

The ninth edition of the Steel Conference & Exhibition beyond expectations....

Together we can. Together everything is possible

Thank you all. Thank you for being there and bringing the enthusiasm of the restart at Made in Steel...

The present and the future of Steel will be the main topic of the last day of Made in Steel 2021

The morning will be devoted to examining the distributors' market. Bilanci d'Acciaio will close the ...

Steel: sustainable DNA at the heart of the cities of tomorrow

The second day of the MIS conference will start with a focus on the Polis of the future, followed by...

Best Communication Booth goes to Beltrame, Most Friendly Booth to Feralpi and Best International boo...

Made in Steel 2021: the Renaissance of Steel begins here

On today's programme: the inauguration session, a lecture by Alec Ross, the Steel Vision conference ...

Made in Steel becomes more powerful with Digital MIS

Digital MIS - Expoplaza is the digital platform to maximize business opportunities....