Starting today you can request your press pass for the leading Conference & Exhibition in Southern Europe dedicated to the steel industry, which will be held at fieramilano Rho (Milan, Italy) from 5 to 7 October 2021

[:it]Da oggi è possibile richiedere l’accredito stampa per la nona edizione di Made in Steel, la principale Conference & Exhibition del Sud Europa dedicata alla filiera siderurgica dal titolo RENAISSAINCE – Here begins the steel rebirth.  

A fieramilano Rho, dal 5 al 7 ottobre 2021, ci sarà spazio per il business, il confronto e il dibattito su congiuntura, andamento del mercato, prospettive del settore siderurgico. Saranno presenti i principali player e operatori dell’industria siderurgica.

Mercoledì 6 si terrà, inoltre, l’assemblea generale annuale di Federacciai nella siderweb Conference room.   

Come fare - Accedendo all’apposito portale online, è possibile effettuare la preregistrazione compilando gli appositi campi. Una mail inviata all’indirizzo inserito in fase di registrazione informerà sull’esito della richiesta. Clicca qui sotto per accedere al portale.

Made in Steel - Preregistrazione stampa

Ti ricordiamo che l’accesso alla nona edizione di Made in Steel sarà possibile solo con Green Pass.

A disposizione per eventuali ulteriori informazioni.

Ufficio stampa Made in Steel


It is now possible to request press accreditation online to gain access to the ninth edition of Made in Steel, the main Conference & Exhibition in Southern Europe dedicated to the steel industry, with the motto RENAISSAINCE – Here begins the steel rebirth.   

At fieramilano Rho (Milan, Italy), from 5 to 7 October 2021, there is space for business meetings, discussion and debates on market developments and trends and the future of the steel industry. Some of the main companies and big players of the steel industry are going to be present.

On Wednesday 6 October, the Federacciai general meeting will be held in the siderweb Conference Room.

How to request press accreditation - By filling in the online registration form, you will receive a reply via e-mail confirming acceptance or denial of your request. Follow the link below and fill in the registration form.

Made in Steel – press accreditation 

We kindly remind you that access to Made in Steel 2021 must be accompanied by the exhibition of the Green Digital Pass.

Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.

Made in Steel press office


Made in Steel 2025: save the date

6-7-8 May 2025 Made in Steel is back at fieramilano Rho


Another important milestone for the Conference & Exhibition: ISO 20121 certification for the sustainable design and management of the 2023 edition

Customer satisfaction 2023 confirms the positive trend of Made in Steel

Here are the data of the questionnaire filled in by exhibitors and visitors, certified by the research institute GRS s.r.l.


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